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Tips To Prevent Computer Overheating

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 13 Jul, 2010 11:04:10

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During the start of the computer era, computer cases were having issues when it comes to cooling due to lack of fans and proper air flow. Earlier case designs are not effective when it comes to dissipating heat which caused many computer units to overheat. Heat buildup can cause various problems. It can cause your computer to hang, to restart, to shut down unexpectedly and most of all; it can really damage your hardware components.

One of the most common symptoms of an overheating system is a bloated capacitor which can also cause motherboard problems. Overheating was really a problem for computers back then. But now, newer cases were already designed to have effective computer cooling which can help minimize heat buildup. New cases can support a number of fans that can really be effective in heat dissipation. Having a case that can really help dissipate heat is really important especially for computers that are used for gaming. Below are some tips which can help you prevent overheating.

 Clean your computer case:  Dust is one of the factors that can cause overheating. They can prevent your inside fans to work properly which can minimize airflow. CPU fans must also be free from dust because this can also cause processor overheating. You must clean your computer case every now and then to avoid dust inside your computer.

 Proper air flow:  Having a good airflow can help minimize heat buildup. You can add a fan at the front of the computer case that serves as the blower and another fan at the back that serves as the exhaust fan.

 Organized wirings: Most of the times, people underestimate the power of organized wirings. They are not aware that having an organized wiring can really help maximize good airflow. Having a messy wiring connection can block the airflow which can also cause heat buildup.

 Check if components are properly placed: This mostly happens in heat sinks where it is not properly placed which can also cause CPU overheating. Always check if your components are really placed properly to avoid problems.

 The said tips are really effective when it comes to preventing overheating, but there is another one that can really help you lower your temperatures. This is called “Water cooling”. This is another way of removing heat from your hardware components. This water cooling is mostly used by gamers because gaming computers produce much more heat compared to a basic computer setup. This may be a bit pricey but is really effective.

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steps in disk cloning? tnx

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