Top Reasons Why You Should Use Linux
In my previous article, I gave you an overview about Linux operating system. How this operating system has evolved after a decade, and the increasing number of its users.
The rapid increase of Linux users is already expected by some of the Linux advocates. It all started when IT professionals started using Linux for server applications being satisfied with its performance and effectiveness, most of them are now using it even for desktop computers.
By the way you might be asking who Linux advocates are; well they are the Linux users. But they prefer to be called advocates for the reason that they are sole user, they are also campaigner, supporter and promoter of Linux. They are committed in bringing the best of Linux.
In this article, I will be giving you practical reasons why you should use Linux than other operating system. The practical that I will give you is based on my personal opinion as a Linux advocates. Well, I’ve been using Linux for quite some time and never do I have any regret. Instead, the more that it inspires me to share my experience to others.
At present we have different Linux distros in the market. But most of the Linux users prefer to use the Ubunto distro. This distro was created to be more user friendly especially for Linux beginners.
Alright let us start discussing the practical reasons why you should use Linux.
- Open Source. It’s free.
Most of Linux distros can be downloaded over the Internet for free. You can choose your desired distro for your convenience and to meet your desired needs in computing. Did you know that every advocate can develop any of its features and share it among the other advocates? This is why Linux has continuous innovation to address the needs of the other advocates and to assists the beginners to make it more users friendly. They consider each advocate as part of the Linux community. Updates are also available for free.
Also, there is no need for you to buy your Office application because most of the Linux disto is packed with OpenOffice.
- Stable. It doesn’t crash.
For quite long years, Linux was proven to be one of the stable operating system. This is why most of the firewall or router devices use Linux. For over ten years in the market, we are all aware how reliable is Linux. Do you have any experience of rebooting your computer or devices running with Linux? Honestly, I cannot remember a single instance of doing so.
Also, Linux is very popular from providing virus free computers. You don’t need to buy anti-virus software. Big saving isn’t it?
There is also a possibility that Linux can be targeted by a virus but the design f Linux makes it difficult for the virus to infect the computer. Most of the time, once a threat was detected the virus will already be isolated before it can even spread in your computer.
Don’t worry, all Linux distro provides on-line security updates. This is the good thing in Linux community; most of the advocates prioritize security matters even before it can become a problem.
- Fast performance. It can even run in 486 processors.
At present, most of the new released operating system requires higher computer specifications. Well not with Linux. Do you know that Linux can run even in 486 processors? It’s not an issue of how high is your compute specifications.
This is the good thing about Linux, its design and development is more economical by allowing you to use even the old computer possessions.
I can guarantee fast computer performance even in lower specifications computer. I told you I have been using it for quite sometime.
- Multitasking
One of Linux trademark is Multitasking. Linux provides managing of more than one program at the same time. It sustains several processors.
- Applications
Most Linux include different applications like Open Office, GIMP-similar to Adobe Photoshop, Scribus-similar to Outlook Express. Also, it includes some tools like compliers and other programming languages. Even instant messaging is also included in Linux package.
Linux has Samba, an applications that allows your computer to be a client in a Microsoft Windows network or as a server for Linux and Windows clients.
Aside from these practical reasons, there are still many reasons that can be found over the Internet.
Try visiting Linux blogs to know more and be part of the community.
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