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Useful widgets for Windows 7

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 14 Nov, 2011 22:29:46

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If you’ve used Vista before, you definitely know what a widget is. Widgets was basically introduced in Vista and normally was used for clock or news feed only. Widgets can also be used to monitor your system. Below are some examples of widgets that could be helpful for you.

Traffic Gadget – If you live in the US, this could be useful because it could provide you traffic updates and even help you choose the best way going to your destination.

Desktop Calendar – This calendar is not just an ordinary calendar where you can only see dates or months. This also includes an event list and to do list which can be useful especially if you have a busy schedule. You can put your meetings on this calendar so that you won’t forget it. This would really be helpful for business persons.

CPU Meter Gadget – If you like to monitor your CPU usage and memory usage, this program would really be helpful for you. This is a simple program which can monitor your computer. This looks cool also.

Network Meter Gadget – If you want to monitor your upload and download speed, bandwidth, signal or some IP addresses, the program could help you do it all.

SkypeGadget – If you’re a businessman that needs to monitor contacts, this program could help you. This program can show online and offline contacts without consuming much screen space compared to the real skype program.

Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor Gadget – As the name itself, this can detect Wi-Fi around you. If you have a laptop, this could be really helpful. If a free Wi-Fi spot is available. You’re lucky.

DriveInfo Gadget – If you would like to monitor the spaces of your drives, this would be perfect for the job. You could easily see the available disk space by just looking at your desktop. This would eliminate the need of opening up my computer just to see the space available for your hard drives.

GPU Observer Gadget – If you are a gamer, you definitely need to have this one. This would monitor the temperature of your video card. This way, you could prevent overheating for your video card.

Uptime Gadget – This is a simple program that would help you keep track of how long your computer is on. This program would also reset whenever you turn off your computer.

This article contains only some of the best widgets for Windows 7. You could find more on the internet that you could download.

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