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Ways in maintaining your laptop

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 25 Jul, 2010 23:07:05

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Laptops are made for on the go users. A laptop and a desktop computer differ when it comes to the physical components but is almost the same when it comes to performance. Laptop parts are more sensitive compared to a desktop computer and it is also more expensive when it comes to repairs and upgrades. To avoid repairs that can cost you thousand of pesos, there are some tips in maintaining your laptop computer.

Free your laptop from dusts: Dust is a major problem for both laptops and desktops which can minimize your airflow by blocking your exhaust fan that can cause overheating. The best way is to place your laptop on top of a clean table or desk.

Don’t overcharge your battery: When at home, you can remove your battery and directly use the power supplied by your adapter especially when you use your laptop for long hours. This can prevent your from overcharging. When charging your laptop, make sure to remove the plug when your battery is already fully charged. This can minimize problems when it comes to charging.

Turf off your WIFI when not in use: Turning off your WIFI can extend your battery life. Turning this on is one of the factors that can drain your battery immediately. Make sure to turn this off when not in use.

Don’t use your laptop on beds or surfaces that can block exhaust fans: Using your laptop is a very bad idea. This can result into overheating due to heat buildup. Many laptop users are not aware about this. This is the no.1 cause of overheating of laptops. Always make sure that the exhaust fan can freely dissipate the heat generated by its parts.

Keep any liquids away from your laptop: Don’t ever place any liquids near your laptop. Spilling any liquid can cause damage to your laptops.

Check CD’s for cracks before inserting it to the drive: Always check the CD’s first before inserting it to prevent damage to your CD/DVD drives.

Don’t touch your LCD screen: As much as possible, don’t touch your screen. If you want to clean your LCD, use a micro fiber cloth. Don’t use something than can scratch your screen because it is expensive to replace

Close your laptop slowly: Make sure to close your laptop slowly to avoid hinges problems. Hinges can loosen due to opening and closing of your laptop. To avoid hinge problems, just be gentle in closing and opening your laptop.

Lift/Carry your laptop properly: In lifting your laptop, make sure to hold it at its base and not on the screen to avoid LCD damage.

Make sure to avoid bumps even if your laptop is inside your bag: To avoid physical damage, make sure to avoid bumps to your laptop. Bumps can cause cracks or even serious damage to your laptop. Always handle your laptop with care.

Laptop is made for portability. Many users prefer using laptop because they can bring it wherever they want to. Due to its portable size, it requires more care and maintenance. The said tips can help you in taking good care of your laptop to avoid damage.

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