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What is Artificial Intelligence?

by: Melissa Reyes | 09 Sep, 2010 06:09:01

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What is artificial intelligence? I believe almost everyone knows the word artificial intelligence. Its definition may vary from one another. According to, it is the ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence.

Though the meaning is regarded as relative and its definition is very broad, it simply results in with its main idea of which a machine exhibits intelligence regardless of what measures it does. It has been believed that artificial intelligence was coined in science fiction and it was adopted by film makers as they imagined a person whose brain was controlled by a machine. What fascinates me to write about AI in my article is to give a brief account on sometimes a misleading concept of artificial intelligence.

 First, when seeing science fiction movies, we almost always see a person controlled by a machine being programmed to manipulate his brain. A perfect example is Dr. Octavius in “spider man 2” when his robotic arms dictated him and even compelled him to do things even against his natural will which eventually leads to his destruction to death. Basically, artificial intelligence in movies is completely alive and conscious thus, it exists naturally as if it can make a decision, reason out, and even learn things.

However, if we take a further look on the scenes, undoubtedly, artificial intelligence can’t exhibit emotions or feelings. I am not saying that the notion is absolutely wrong but how can they prove to people this robotic machine can even decide what is acceptable to others and what is wrong. It is certain; this machine can’t make any decision and can’t distinguish good or bad.

Second, partly related to the product of imagination, when scientists try to create his obra maestro or a mater piece in relation to artificial intelligence, I would be more interested in humanoid robots who merely teach and its programs are objective and really superficial. It does not require innate capacity to think and reason out. For instance, teaching piano lessons. What was programmed was very exact. Another example is playing chess games and word games with a machine. In some extreme cases like these, undoubtedly, the movements are randomly programmed, so people should not be gullible thinking computer robots have intelligence similar to what human beings have.

 Though computers have amazing activities that are almost the same with human beings, this doesn't necessarily mean that their intelligence is genuine and natural.. Since it is just an artificial intelligence, they never exchibit feeling and reasoning.

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