What is cybercrime?
Cybercrime or also known as computer crime is the act of committing illegal activities through the use of a network or the internet. This is basically done by persons who posses above average skills in computers. They are also called hackers, scammers and more. Below are some of examples of cybercrimes in the world.
Hacking – Hacking is the most popular type of cybercrime. This involves someone who uses the internet or even a network to enter a restricted site for them to be able to steal files, information or even money. They can also destroy your files or sites if they want to. They can also make fun of your site. Hackers are good in breaking firewalls and secured sites but not all hackers are bad. There are also some hackers who will try to hack a site for them to be able to determine the weakness of the website. They are called white hat hackers.
Identity theft – Is basically the use of another person’s identity to obtain benefits or credits. Examples of this crime are the persons who stole credit card’s information through the internet for their own interest. They also make fake id’s for them to be able to use with the fake credit cards. They will use your own information for them to gain whatever they want. You will be surprised when you see your bill, there are transactions made without your knowledge. To prevent these kinds of problems, avoid entering your information in unsecured websites.
Drug trafficking – This is the modern version of drug selling and buying wherein sellers just look for buyers through the use of the internet for them to sell their stocks of prohibited drugs. Drug traffickers use internet café’s to arrange deals and use courier services to deliver the goods.
Internet scams - Internet scams are also one of the most popular cases in the internet. The top scam is the Nigerian scam which promises you a large cut of money. All you have to do is to cover the fees that must be paid so that their money can be released but after every penny you’ll spend. You’ll end up realizing that you’ve been a victim of a scam.
Cybercrime violators are the modern criminals. They are using modern technology to do things that are punishable by law. They are not easy to find and catch because they are just using computers in every crime which can be really hard to trace.

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