I have heard it is said time and time again that once you stepped on the testing area, always think that you already passed the exam. In many cases to prove how important to think positively, this is not always true. Being well-prepared is however once a matter but your attitude during the exam is the most important.
- Keeping your head- If you show up in the testing center late, you hardly concentrate knowing, that before taking, you must control yourself. This means that you should have time to relax and never lose your nerve. This may take place if you arrive at the testing place in time. Manage your time. Don’t put traffic into blame. It would be better for you to stay in 30 to fifty minutes before the exam starts.
- Using paper and pencil - Most testing areas provide white board that easily cleaned up and a marker for you to use during the exam. However, using paper and pencil instead is more appropriate for writing binary than writing on a board that usually smears.
- Using head phones while waiting or during taking- Nuisance is a kind of stumbling block on your concentration. Inescapably, you can hear sound such as slamming door, oncoming footsteps, mumbling and other little noises can really make you tense and disturbed. In this event, you’d better use your headphones. Usually the employee hands you headphones once the test started. You should ask beforehand to block out the annoying noises. The quietness can give you the spirit of concentration ---- to pass the exam.
- Being prepared. Being prepared and confident is the best weapon to take the exam. Spend the time thinking of the most possible questions that run out your time. Cisco exam covers many aspects from binary to networking to routing and the like. Don’t overly confident because there are actually questions that really beyond your expectations, and so therefore, you’d rather ask CCNA takers what were the questions asked to give you prior background. These questions I am referring to are the WHAT questions. Do your very best. Don’t think much of perfecting the exam but passing it is the primary concern.
- Finishing the race with satisfaction. Stretch your body for the meantime. Don’t lose your hope. Finish until the end. When it seems your mind and body are both tired, think of passing the exam. Motivate yourself. Sit back down and calmly answer the last questions. Do it with a flourish.