Why You Should Never Even Think About Taking CCNA Exams Without Reviewing
There’s nothing wrong in gambling and taking chances. You can gamble as much as you like. However, this depends on how much is at stake. If you’re taking risk, consider how much would be your loss in case you lose. If you’re considering taking the CCNA Exams without studying, think again. Can you bear to lose a chance to grab your CCNA Certification? Imagine what would happen after the exams, given the big possibility of failure. Are you prepared to fail? Moreover, what’s the point of taking the exams if you’re already expecting failure?
Maybe you’d change your mind once you knew what you’re getting into. Here are the risks you’re bearing when you’ve decided already to take the CCNA Examination without reviewing:
Your Time, Money, and Effort. I know, you are aware of them. The remaining question is how much are you aware of them? If you’re working and taking few days leave for filing and taking exams, how much money are you spending for the risk? Compute your expenses, including fees, transportation, and unpaid days of work. Are you still willing to gamble? Well, think of the effort and time you’ve spent just for an expected failure.
Your Morale and Confidence. Admit it or not, it’s depressing to fail no matter how you’re well prepared for it. Still, you’ve wished to pass. Family and friends would somehow expect you’d bring success. This makes it even more painful when people say their words of grief in showing you their affection. You’ll surely feel guilt as you’ve not met what they’ve expected. These negative thoughts will somehow make it hard to get off discouragement to take the CCNA Exams again. In fact, some people take this too hard that they don’t take the CCNA Exams anymore. If you can honestly say, these things are bearable to you then consider its effect on your career.
Your Credibility. Consecutive failures from CCNA Exams are big stain on your career record. What would your current employer or future boss think? It will appear that you’re not dedicated on your personal career endeavor. Then, how would you behave for your company’s endeavor? They would not want employees who are happy-go-lucky inside their company.
If you’re hoping for the best, work on it. Be the best. Do everything you can to get what you aim for. You can be 100% sure that you’ll pass once you put dedication on it.

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