Windows 8, pass or fail?
As we all know, windows 8 is the latest operating system which was developed by Microsoft. It was released October last year but unfortunately, the newest release of Microsoft didn’t catch the attention of users.
In my own opinion, the previous operating system is still better than this one. I’ve tried using a laptop that is equipped with a windows 8 operating system and I didn’t like it much. Even if I’ll be given a copy of windows 8, I wouldn’t use it on my personal computer.
For those who weren’t able to try the new OS, there are some new features that might interest you. Below would be some of them:
Hybrid boot – For the new windows, it only hibernates when you click shut down. It means that it doesn’t fully turn off and the effect of this one is that it makes the computer boot faster than the usual.
Security – For the security, two new authentication methods was introduced. The first one is the PIN and the other one is the picture password.
Windows store – This is one the new features of windows 8 where you could download apps for your computer. It is the counter part of the apple store.
Interface – The interface was really redesigned by Microsoft. If you are using windows 7 and you’ve tried using windows 8, you’ll see the difference. In my opinion, the interface looks a bit like Apple’s interface.
Before the beta version of windows 8, I was excited to use it expecting that it would be better than windows 7 but I was a ****. Even someone who’s good in computer would need to adjust on its new interface specially that they’ve removed the popular “start button”. Using it in a computer isn’t that good but in my opinion, it would work better on a touch screen capable device.
From my observation, windows 8 failed to reach their quota for their sales. It’s been several months already but still, I’ve only seen few computers or laptops that are using the said OS. At this time, they still couldn’t beat its predecessor, windows 7.
For those who would like to switch to windows 8, I would advise you to try using it first before buying it. This way, you could feel and see it first before you decide upgrading. Windows is still the leading developers of operating systems but for this latest release, I think they failed.

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