KB0121 - Adobe Photoshop CS2
Instructor-led, classroom/laboratory-delivery learning model with structured hands-on and minds-on activities and laboratory activities.
- Working knowledge in Windows Applications
- Basic knowledge in using computers.
Getting Started with Photoshop
Lesson One: Selection Tools In Photoshopgetting
- Basic selection tools
- The lasso tools
- The magnetic lasso
- The magic wand
- Quick mask
- Working with the quick mask
- Selections, mask and channels
- Slices
Lesson Two: Navigating And Editing Your Images
- Panning and zooming images
- The navigator panel
- View management
- Move, align and distribute
- The move tool
- Direct and path selection tools
- Vector shaped and multiole paths
Lesson Three: Using Brushes And Pencil Tools
- The brush tool
- Using brush tools
- Exploring the brushes palette
- The brushes palette in details
- Scattering
- Textures and dual brushes
- The history brush
- Using the history brush
- Art history brush
Lesson Four: Using The Cloning And Healing Tools
- The rubber stamp(clone)tool
- Removing unwanted elements
- Cloning skin
- The healing brush
- The healing patch tool
Lesson Five: The Gradient, Fill And Eraser Tools
- The paint bucket
- More fill options
- The sharpen tool
- The smudge tool
- Working with the smudge tool
- Dodge and burn
- The sponge tool
- Using dodge and burn
- Focusing in with dodge and burn
Lesson Six: Getting To Know The Effects Tools
- The 'focus' tools
- The blur tool
- The gradient tool
- The gradient editing panel
- Using gradient creatively
- Gradient styles
- Gradient masks
- Masks and selections in detail
- Magic and background erasers
Lesson Seven: Working With The Type Tool
- The type tool
- Type options
- Type tool tips
- Using the warp text panel
- Rasterizing type
- Styled type
Lesson eight: Working With Paths, Vectors And Masks
- Using the pen tool
- Vector shapes
- Using vector shapes
- Masks
- Vector shapes details
Lesson Nine: Annotations, Notes And The Measure Tools
- Notes and annotations
- The eye dropper tool
- Using the eye dropper tool
- The color sampler
- The measure tool
Lesson Ten: Creating Top Quality Artwork
- Cretaing a montage
- Fix missing parts of the image
- Using the pen as a brush
- Adding a background
- Applying artistic detail
- Vector shape and type layers

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