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Google's newest invention: the "Google Glass"

by: Mon Peter I. Damiles | 21 Aug, 2013 17:36:03

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Years back when technology is not that advanced compared to now, I remember using those cellphones that look like walkie talkies and those small devices called beepers. At that time, computers were also not that popular and even browsing the internet could be really annoying because it keeps on disconnecting every now and then. Just imagine surfing the net with just 56kbps speed and with that kind of speed, downloading a movie back then could take days or even a week to finish. If we will be comparing the kind of technology that we do have now, it really has improved a lot.

In this present generation, technology seems to continue developing products that are not just “high tech” but are also useful. One of the newest products that interest me most is the “Google glass” which was developed by Google. Google glass is basically like a computer, voice recorder, GPS combined into one eyeglass. Just imagine if you could just walk around and just commanding the glass to take a picture, record a video, start a video chat or even guide you if you’re lost. Would that be cool enough?

Basically, Google glass could see anything that you see and also has several cool features. Besides commanding it to take a picture and record a video, you could translate various languages, be updated on the current weather and time, it could also be used to ask something that you want with just using voice command. If I were to ask, this product would be best for those persons who are always on the go.

This is really one of the best developed products ever but sad to say that as of the moment, the said product is still not available on the market and we might still need to wait for further news or updates on when it will be released. This product might still be on testing but the concept is really amazing and might still be improved for the better.

For those who love gadgets, this product might really interest you. It is like using a James Bond gadget on your very own eyes or like Ironman that could command anything that he wants to. For those who want to see or know more about this glass, you could check their site and you could see videos showing how it works and also some pictures on what it looks like. 

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